{everyone needs a side of sparkle}


ah, the weekend

Baby no. 2 is officially due in one week and I have been exhaustively feathering the nest and psyching Violet up for big-sisterhood.  I think it's time to rest up and enjoy what seems like the last moments of relative sanity before baby makes four.  My first impulse when I think of relaxing?  Paint my toenails a happy color.  I love all three of these colors and their sassy names, neo whimsical, sand tropez, and tart deco... which to pick?  Second on my list of relaxation is to get crafty with this diy project.  I know, I am one of those odd people who is more relaxed with busy hands.  I'll be posting the results!  Third, I will partake in some balancing prenatal yoga.  Despite Violet running underneath my down dogs, I am looking forward to a relaxing back-yard session.  I just need to remember to swipe on enough bug repellent to fend off those delightful marsh mosquitoes that so gleefully nip.  One application lasts about an hour for me, which is just enough time to do some poses, water the garden and peek over my bump at my freshly polished tootsies.

images via essie, spool sewing and balanced birth
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