Sometimes the enormity of one situation overshadows the rest of life's goings on and calls for a handful of shortcuts to manage the chaos. What do I possibly mean by this? Well, buying and renovating a house is a big task that has been taking most of my brain space for the past month. As we gear up to the big move, there are still many last-minute negotiations and financial matters to be ironed out. All of this is exhausting when you have two little kids running around demanding attention, food and diaper changes. I've managed to make arrangements with our broker while cleaning up spilled juice under the kitchen table, juggle baby wipes and apply diaper cream while negotiating interest rates, and (my favorite) serve up time-outs without skipping a beat in discussing the terms of our closing. All of this adds up to a very sore neck, two semi-neglected kids and one very tired mama.
The time has come for a plan. I've never been a big planner, but children will turn you into one whether you like it or not. My plan for the next several months of *house* is:
- Have enough healthy prepared food as most of my free time is occupied by telephone calls and work. As much as Violet has enjoyed being handed fistfuls of Hershey Kisses to keep her "happy" while I'm on the phone, it's really not a habit I want to continue!
- Limit phone time. understanding the objects for a phone conversation can ensure that the call will not go longer than is necessary. Though I do enjoy hearing about Aunt Mildred's 99th birthday party and how the eclairs were painstakingly homemade, I've got a ticking clock and need to keep things short and sweet.
- Limit screen time (and by "screen" I mean my beloved mac). It's fun perusing Pinterest for home decor ideas, but it can take hours away from the time I would normally be working once the kids go to bed.
- Focus on the task at hand. Whether it's doing the dishes or playing with my kids, staying focused on what I'm doing is key to staying sane. It's how to avoid putting your car keys in the freezer and the ice cream container in your diaper bag. That happened. Really.
- Go to bed. It's alluring to think I have a five hour stretch of time after the kids go to bed to do chores and get work done. The reality is - I'm tired! I just want to take my shower, raid the refrigerator for something sweet and curl up with a sudoko before exhaustion overtakes my eyelids and I slip into a state of slumbering bliss. I sound like a 90 year old woman, I know... but a girl's gotta get her rest!
- Schedule tasks around babysitting, nap-time and bed-time. If I'm wise about what's really essential, I can schedule the time to complete each task around the free time I do have. My amazing neighbor watches the girls one morning each week which allows me the time to design and ship orders. Nap-times can be used for more random things like a few phone calls, house chores, etc. After bed-time is a great time to focus on personal things emailing friends, scoping out Pinterest and obsessing over this wallpaper.
That's my plan. It's not rocket science, but it's going to be a challenge for someone who likes to just float along with whatever comes along. That said, I'm sad that my posts have been far and few between... Until next time, Dear Readers...
image via design cloud